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No chicken drama this week, thankfully.
We got 6 new chicks at the local farm store. 2 Buff Orpington, 2 Rhode Island Red, and 2 Easter Egger.
In the garden:
We planted cucumbers directly in the garden. Homemade Pickle and Tendergreen Burpless.
Cameron built me 2 new arched trellis’. A friend gave me some extra wire fencing she had and it got put to good use!
I planted Good Mother Stallard Dried Beans at the base of the trellis. I’ve grown them in years past. They are delicious. It will be so nice to actually have a trellis large enough to hold them!
Indoor seed starting:
I’m working on several seed starting experiments.
Potted up 2 of my Roma tomato plants to larger Solo Cups. The six remaining plants I potted up the 2 inch soil blocks into the larger 4 inch blocks. I want to see if using the large 4 inch soil block is worth the cost. It cost me about $100 if I remember right.
Normally I direct seed watermelon, summer squash, winter squash, sunflowers, and cantaloupe. This year I wanted to try them in the 2 inch soil block with 1 inch deep dibble. I’m starting indoors about 2 weeks before I would normally plant, so if it fails I can just plant straight into the garden.
Sweet potato slips got picked off the potato and are now rooting in water. Sweet potatoes yield continuous slips so about a week from now I’ll be picking off the next batch to root in water.
I still haven’t transplanted to the garden any of my heat loving crops. They are outside almost all day but with the rain we’ve been having I’ve been holding off. I usually wait until May 1st to plant tomatoes (about a week after our average last frost date) but if I can get a dry day they are going in the ground early.
As I mentioned last week my tomatoes are ridiculously large for still being potted. I can’t believe it’s only been six weeks since I started them. I need to figure out a better system for the indeterminate tomatoes. Plastic Solo Cups are so wobbly. I put them all in a tray but they still tip all over the place. It’s very frustrating and I’ve had two tomato stems partially break while I’ve carried them inside and out.
I’m thinking next year I’ll sow the tomatoes about 4 weeks before average last frost instead of 6 weeks. If I start them closer to the average last frost, I think the plants will be more compact and I can pot up to a 4 inch soil block instead of the Solo Cups.
In the Kitchen:
Cameron had a work lunch and they were about to throw away about 10 pounds of leftover sliced onions. Cam knew that I would want them and brought all the onions home. I made:
6 snack size baggies of caramelized onions and then froze them.
4 quart jars of dehydrated onion slices.
The dehydrated onion slices are reminiscent of onion rings! I was surprised they tasted pretty good dehydrated. I did do a 15 second blanch and then ice water bath before dehydrating.
I often refer to this book for dehydrating. It’s a favorite of mine: