The Weekly Digs #40

by Becky
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Well I told myself I wouldn’t look at properties anymore and I haven’t… well, not of my own volition. But Cam has still been at it and he went by himself and looked at a few places over his lunch hour this week. I’m pretty sure we’ve looked at every good possibility for a house/land combination within a 45 minute drive of his work. 

Now we (or I should say he) is onto looking at land only again. We have such specific requirements for land, it doesn’t take much to know if it’s even a contender. Both of the places he looked at were quick no’s. One was 200 acres and way past our budget but he still wanted to check it out anyway. It was located in a valley and so hilly that much of the land wasn’t even usable. The other was also in a valley surrounded by trees. It’s really hard to tell what the topography is like from the listing pictures.

Where we live now we have such huge trees that we never see the sunset. One of our requirements is to be able to see the sunset each night at our new place. No sunset view is a no go.

 Left to right: Yellowstone carrot, black nebula carrot, chinese red meat radish, st. Valery carrot, scarlet ohno revival turnip, and Daikon Radish.

Left to right: Yellowstone carrot, black nebula carrot, chinese red meat radish, st. Valery carrot, scarlet ohno revival turnip, and Daikon Radish.

In the garden this week I harvested my first carrots, a turnip (yes just one haha), and radishes. We also picked some of the leftover chinese cabbage. I ended up using the turnip and the radishes in our chili tonight. They were good and I’m quite certain nobody knew they made it in the dish because the chili flavor overpowers everything. 

The weather is turning very cold tonight (writing this on Thursday night) with a low of 25ºF. I still haven’t harvested my chinese pink celery yet and I have some concerns about how it will do in the cold. I’m going to have to harvest before next Monday because we are going to be in the low teens by then and snowy! Eek! 

I don’t remember it ever getting so cold this early in the year before but then again in years past, I haven’t been copious in my garden notes like I am now. 

 Cam built me some custom crates for my sweet potatoes. They nest together and are stackable! This is four crates stacked.

Cam built me some custom crates for my sweet potatoes. They nest together and are stackable! This is four crates stacked.

In the garden:

  • Harvesting a lone turnip, radishes, carrots, arugula, lots of garlic chives that we use in place of green onions, herbs, and fresh ginger. The ginger now resides in a pot in our house to protect it from frost.

  • Cam built me some custom sweet potato crates. (See above)

In the kitchen: 

  • I made a gallon of kimchi and it’s fermenting in the basement as we speak. Or, I mean, as I write. I’m looking forward to this batch more than the one I made in spring because it has fresh ginger and garlic. In all seriousness, the super fresh ginger is what makes homemade kimchi divine. By the way, ginger is very easy to grow. So if you like it, you should try to grow some next year!

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