Over the last couple years, my sourdough bread has evolved. My pioneer sourdough bread was my go-to for a long time but now I have a new recipe and method that I use and I wanted to have an updated version on my blog! This version takes a little more hands on time but isn’t as dense as the pioneer sourdough bread.
I’ve always been one to use high amounts of whole wheat. This means that the bread isn’t always the lightest or fluffiest but it is healthy and filling. This recipe can be adapted to use almost any whole wheat flour. I’ve used hard red wheat, hard white wheat, and spelt flour. When I use spelt flour, I use 50 grams less water.
I apologize if my recipe is hard to understand, recipe lingo and writing is not my strong suit. If you get stuck or something doesn’t make sense, leave me a comment on this post and I’ll try my best to explain.
I’ve been making sourdough bread consistently 2-3 times a week for 7 years now! We love it. I hope you enjoy this method and recipe.
PS. I updated this recipe 2/4/2022, adjusting times in between stretches and folds. In winter a longer time is better, about 2 hours, I previously did it more often and every thirty minutes. This new method has had better results for me. But keep in mind if your home is warm in summer you made need to adjust the time to a lesser amount since the dough will develop faster with high room temperature.
I just wanted to say that you have an awesome whole wheat sourdough recipe!
Thank you!
Thank you for the recipe 🙂 do you also have a recipe to start a sourdough? I love your videos!
Hi Maria, I don’t have a recipe on how to start a sourdough. I tried a long time to make one but was never successful so I’m not qualified to write about it 🙂 I ended up getting a sourdough start from a friend and it was amazing.